+38 044 290 29 10
+38 044 290 29 19


Children and Youth Development

Children and Youth Development

The development of youth and children is a one of our key work areas.
We put child`s healthy psychological development, children and youth rights protection, development of institutions working with children and involving children in an active life position as a goal in this direction.
Together with the Psychology Department of the Kyiv National University of Taras Shevchenko we have developed a manual on psychosocial integration and rehabilitation for children and families, opened 2 NEST-centers in Ukraine according to the Dutch methodology and sent thousands of children to the summer camps, and also we send young people to international trainings and exchanges.

Health and wellbeing

Health and wellbeing

We are implementing projects to overcome socially dangerous diseases, including tuberculosis, HIV / AIDS and others, reforming the medical sector at the national and local level, establishing inter-industry cooperation with a patient / client-oriented approach, and implementing internationally recognized approaches in Ukraine.


Human rights protection

Human rights protection

We are implementing initiatives to build capacities for protecting the rights of the population vulnerable groups, including civil society organizations, institutions and institutions providing services to citizens.

In the end of 2018 the survey to study gaps in gender sensitive approach was held jointly by LHSI and the Positive women team concluding poor gender disaggregation of TB related services and high stigma of vulnerable women, which prevent them from getting qualified TB services.

Social services

Social services

This activity is very important for the state networks development of local self-government, social development of territories and communities, reforming the industry at the national and local levels, and preventing the spread of socially negative phenomena.

NGO “Labor and Health Social Initiatives”
+38 044 290 29 10
+38 044 290 29 19
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