You should know about TB
The project's goal
Organization of active detection of new cases of TB/MDR-TB among vulnerable groups (former prisoners, people who use drugs) in Donetsk, Vinnytsia, Lviv, Kharkiv, Chernivtsi regions, and Kyiv city.
The project is implemented by the NGO "Labor and Health Social Initiatives" in cooperation with local centers of social services (CSS), and medical facilities in Donetsk, Luhansk , Lviv, Kharkiv, Kherson regions and the city of Kyiv as well as other regions, with the support of CF “Alliance of Public Health” under a grant from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
Project implementation period
01.2018 - 12.2025
Target groups of the project:
- Internally displaced persons (IDPs) - individuals who have been forced to flee or leave their homes or places of residence to avoid the consequences of armed conflict and who have not crossed the internationally recognized state border of the country (priority clients are those with additional vulnerabilities or special needs beyond poverty).
- Former prisoners - individuals who have been released from places of detention within the last two years.
During the large-scale attack, the NGO "Social Initiatives for Occupational Health and Health" (LHSI) and regional coordinators did not cease the implementation of the "You Should Know About Tuberculosis" project in the Donetsk region (excluding Mariupol). Since March 2022, they resumed operations in the Kharkiv region and initiated the project in the Lviv region, Kyiv, and later in the Chernivtsi and Vinnytsia regions. In 2024, the project team formulated new tasks and continued its work.
Geography of activities in 2025
Kharkiv, Chernivtsi, Donetsk, Vinnytsia, Lviv regions and the city of Kyiv
Project tasks
Implementation of an effective referral system and interaction algorithm to ensure unimpeded access to TB diagnosis and treatment for individuals from target vulnerable groups. In 2024, project activities will follow approved clinical routes and developed interaction algorithms in collaboration with healthcare institutions. Regional social work coordinators will be engaged to monitor their step-by-step implementation.
Screening questionnaire for clients regarding risk factors and symptoms indicative of tuberculosis, and motivation for diagnostic testing. Actively engage clients in screening questionnaire regarding risk factors and symptoms indicative of tuberculosis, along with motivation for screening. For all clients with a positive screening result for tuberculosis symptoms, motivational counseling will be conducted regarding the necessity of undergoing tuberculosis diagnostics, and redirection to a healthcare facility according to the specified algorithm will be facilitated.
Ensure equal access to TB/MDR-TB diagnostics and motivation for the initiation of treatment in case of identified TB/MDR-TB cases. If necessary (based on screening questionnaire results and motivational counseling), social services will be provided to clients in the form of advocacy support for accompanying them to medical institutions for TB diagnostics in outpatient settings. To ensure equal access to medical services for tuberculosis detection, the possibility of covering essential additional diagnostic services for TB/MDR-TB for clients without documents or those in urgent need of diagnosis to establish a TB diagnosis will be considered, particularly when waiting for diagnosis within the primary healthcare system takes more than two weeks.
Create a conducive environment for project implementation: project management and administration in regions; highlight best practices in each of the six regions; gather and analyze information material needs and develop, produce, and distribute them; maintain project accounting documentation and monitor project activities.
In addition, the project team provides technical assistance to improve TB infection control at community-based social services.
The results of the activity are more detailed:
in Ukrainian:
Річні звіти | МГО «Соціальні ініціативи з охорони праці та здоров’я» (