+38 044 290 29 10

Despite the war, we continue: Kyiv is next in line

In May, the implementation of activities under the project "You should know about tuberculosis: active detection of tuberculosis cases among people who find themselves in difficult life circumstances" began in Kyiv. The questionnaire for tuberculosis and customer support within the framework of the project will be carried out by specialists of the Centers of Social Services of the city of Kyiv.

Project Manager Nina Gladykh and specialist analyst Alla Melnyk held two working meetings with social workers, SGP specialists and local coordinators on interaction within the project and organization of clients' access to TB diagnostics.

The project "You should know about tuberculosis" is implemented by the NGO "Labor and Health Social Initiatives" (lhsi.org.ua) (LHSI) with a grant from The Global Fund through the Alliance for Public Health.


Despite the war, we continue: Kyiv is next in line
Despite the war, we continue: Kyiv is next in line
Despite the war, we continue: Kyiv is next in line
Despite the war, we continue: Kyiv is next in line
Despite the war, we continue: Kyiv is next in line
NGO “Labor and Health Social Initiatives”
+38 044 290 29 10
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