+38 044 290 29 10

Humanitarian support: March results

In March, the total amount of humanitarian support for the victims amounted to

1281751,90 грн.

We purchased and organized the delivery of food packages and baby food, bed linen and mattresses, hygiene products and medicines, diapers, socks and linen, pillows and blankets, carriages and heaters for families with children and internally displaced persons.

Thank you to our donors - Альянс громадського здоров'я Alliance for Public Health - for promptly changing the purpose of funds and directing them to humanitarian support; thank you to the partners - the Latvian company Food Union - for a huge load of dairy products; Lviv volunteers who helped to quickly collect purchased products and medicines also added children's diapers for free.

NGO “Labor and Health Social Initiatives”
+38 044 290 29 10
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