+38 044 290 29 10

World Youth Skills Day

In 2014, the United Nations General Assembly declared 15 July as World Youth Skills Day, to celebrate the strategic importance of equipping young people with skills for employment, decent work, and entrepreneurship.

According to the International Labor Organization, young people are three times more likely to become unemployed than adults.
One in five young people (about 125 million) works but lives in extreme poverty (less than $ 1 / day).
It is also important that the problem of youth unemployment today affects both industrialized and developing countries.
In our opinion, such skills as cyber hygiene, gender tolerance, the ability to "get out" of cyberbullying situations,
knowledge and ability to use their labor rights, etc. need to be developed among young people in Ukraine.
Today we dedicate the projects we are implementing to these issues.

NGO “Labor and Health Social Initiatives”
+38 044 290 29 10
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