+38 044 290 29 10

Patient`s treatment with smart-box: Natalya, Odessa region

Natalia from the city of Odessa region is one of the participants in the project “Digital Health Adherence in Ukraine”.

Her history begins in early 2019. Eventually, Natalia felt her health began to deteriorate. She took various tests but the doctors could not decide on the correct diagnosis. During the examination it turned out that she had tuberculosis, so Natalia had to start treatment. It also turned out that Natalia lived far from the hospital what was a big challenge in accessing treatment.

Natalia had a boy who required additional observation and who he needed to attend kindergarten and football section. It was also necessary to find time for household duties, since Natalia lived alone without a husband. So there was little time to go to the hospital.

March 18, 2019 Natalia took part in the project “Digital Health Adherence in Ukraine”, implemented by PATH-Ukraine together with the Labor and Health Social Initiatives (LHSI) about active case finding and supported TB screening, diagnosis, counselling and treatment supervision within communities using a suite of technologies: evriMED pillboxes.

We visited Natalia to share her impressions of participating in the project. "I really liked the idea of ​​using a smartbox that you do not need to visit the hospital every day. It was very good if the opportunity to use a smartbox appeared earlier. It’s very convenient for patients to be treated with digital technology", says Natalya.

July 30, 2019 Natalia successfully completed the treatment and was transferred to category 5.1 - “cured”.

NGO “Labor and Health Social Initiatives”
+38 044 290 29 10
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