The Toy4Participation project aims to involve children in decision-making processes through play. It is implemented by the NGO ‘Labour and Health Social Initiatives’ (LHSI) in cooperation with international partners.
In frame in the project, children participate in various game activities that help them understand decision-making processes, develop their communication and leadership skills, and promote active citizenship.
The Toy4Participation project also supports the development of an inclusive society where every child has the opportunity to express their opinions and be heard. This contributes to a fairer and more equal society.
Through initiatives such as Toy4Participation, children are given the opportunity not only to play, but also to learn important life skills that will be useful to them in the future.
Project goal:
To promote the constructive participation of children aged 0-10 from vulnerable groups in the local context by strengthening the role of TOY4Inclusion play hubs as effective platforms for civic education, community engagement and transformation.
The project will develop special training and practical modules to complement the regular activities of play centres, targeting children aged 0-10 years and their caregivers. The main focus will be on developing a concept and toolkit that includes approaches and methodologies for the participation of young children as civic agents of change in the community that can be used in formal early childhood education services, non-formal early childhood education services and in public spaces at the municipal level.
Short-term results:
- Increased awareness of rights, confidence in expressing views, sense of belonging and self-esteem of children and families, especially girls and children from vulnerable groups (Roma, refugees and children with disabilities)
- Strengthening the role of families and caregivers in creating an enabling and gender-sensitive environment for young children's democratic participation in community life.
- Enhancing the knowledge of Play Hub teachers, staff and volunteers about the full participation of children aged 3, 3 to 6 and 7 to 10 years.
- Educators gain new skills in supporting girls' active involvement in preschool education and activities related to their participation in society.
- Increased access of partner organisations and local authorities to resources of knowledge, skills and knowledge on meaningful child participation.
- Creating a national and international community of practice on early childhood participation in play centres.
Medium-term results:
- Widespread implementation of the Toy for Participation approach in all existing play hubs.
- Integration of the approach in informal and formal preschool education institutions, local authorities and partner organisations.
- Integration of participatory principles leads to gender equality in decision-making processes
- Girls and women have more opportunities for participation and leadership roles.
Long-term results:
- Principles of child participation incorporated into community engagement and decision-making processes.
- Training courses on meaningful child participation are included in professional learning and development programmes for teachers and paraprofessionals working in non-formal and formal early childhood education. This will help to promote a culture of child participation in community-based decision-making across the EU.
The project is being implemented by 11 partners from 9 European countries, and at least 40 play centres will join the piloting of the methodology. The key partner of the NGO ‘Labour and Health Social Initiatives’ (LHSI) s the Dutch organisation ‘International Initiatives for Child Development’ (ICDI). More information about the project and partnership